Department of Technology
of Information and Communication

Presentation of the department TIC

Depuis sa création en 2000, le Département TIC de l’ENIT a veillé à accompagner les besoins de l’écosystème tunisien en Ingénieurs de qualité dans les disciplines des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et ce à travers la mise en place de deux filières ingénieurs: Ingénieurs en Télécommunications et Ingénieurs en Informatique.
Ces deux formations dispensées au sein du Département TIC, se démarquent des autres formations d’ingénieurs, dans des disciplines similaires, par essentiellement trois points:

IT / Telecommunications Convergence within the ICT Department: The ICT department offers 2 sectors, a Telecommunications sector and an IT sector. Because of this proximity, the profile of the telecommunications engineer and the IT engineer at ENIT naturally integrates the necessary convergence of Information and Communication Technologies.

ENIT’s multidisciplinary environment: the specificity of ENIT’s ICT Department’s engineering departments also lies in its proximity to the other engineering science disciplines promoted by ENIT’s other departments and sectors. This unique environment naturally creates a multidisciplinary application culture that is essential to such a profile.

An increasingly strong network Industry-R & D: the Telecommunications and IT sectors – set up in 2000 – are intended to be a response to a growing demand from the national but also international economic fabric, around the profiles of engineers mastering the different facets of Information and Communication. It responds to this through the strong research environment that distinguishes ENIT as the oldest of the country’s engineering schools and has, over time, become embedded in the national and international industrial ecosystem.